Command File

You can define a batch command (*.bat oder *.cmd) in the options dialog.

It will become executed if you click and can be amended with the following parameters:

The parameter are enclosed in quotes ("..."), which can be used with (z.B. %1) in the batch file or removed by using (eg %~1).

A sample batch commadn is attached in the program directory.

After execution the protocol will be displayed in blue color in a seperate window.

The JAVA compiler can be invoked by

cd %1

javac %2

in a batch file.

A free COBOL compiler for students can be found under .

The program is invoked by

> cobol32.exe sample.cob

on a command line.

A sample file compilebatch.bat is attached and looks like

>c:\fsc\pcobol32\cobol32.exe %~1%~2

> pause

Good Luck!